Tuesday, 1 September 2009

Writing Buddies - another successful meeting!

The Writing Buddies meeting on Friday 28th August was another successful one. We welcomed Tracy to our midst and the chat around the table ranged from the merits of Open Office free software to the possibility of internet theft of published work and the value of Writers' News magazine in keeping up to date with changes in the publishing world.

Mo had been busy writing articles and has engaged a coach to work with her on editing her second novel, to be published by PaperBack next year. Together they are writing an article on coaching.

Tessa bemoaned the fact that she had loved writing The Dohlen Inheritance, but cannot be enthusiastic about selling it. The second part of the trilogy is with a copy editor and she is busy writing the final part.

Barbara has been busy on the Southampton Writers' Circle agenda for the 2009/2010 season and has entered her award winning story, The Spiral for another competition, after editing it following advice from tutors at Lit Up! earlier in the summer.

Patricia brought along her first Maths Trail, set in Watts Park in Southampton. She is now thinking of writing an article on her experiences writing this trail and the rest in the series, for The Times Educational Supplement.

Sabrina, fresh from an exciting trip to Italy, is busy juggling plots and working on her university dissertation.

Donna has had a letter accepted by SF Promo magazine and is considering offering this publication her new poem.

Jimmy is re-writing his Sundance Gang books and has taken to short story writing. He has just entered a Society of Woman Writers and Journalists (SWWJ) competition and has had an article accepted by Best of British magazine.

Tracy is busy working on her Masters degree, studying with the Open University. She has not written for several years but wishes to ease her way back into the writing world. Writing Buddies welcomed her.

The next meeting of Writing Buddies is on Friday 11th September, at 2pm at the Borders Bookshop in Southampton. Everyone is welcome!

1 comment:

  1. As always, a great afternoon at Borders. Thanks to Penny and group for all the inspiration and ideas. Taking one step at a time, I'll eventually get there.

